Friday, July 18, 2008

This one is on me.....

So at precisely 12:32pm yesterday I had a series of unfortunate events while in the ED that, again, made me turn a nice shade of red as well as go numb in the face. Let me explain.....

I was setting up for my first lumbar puncture (LP). While having butterflies in my stomach, I was also really excited and had visions of getting spinal fluid on my first try and the resident congratulating me on a job well done. (who doesn't envision this?) Anyway, I as I pulled back for some lidocaine (the stuff that we inject to decrease sensation) I shot a bit too much (about 8 ccs too much) of air into the bottle. It exploded and the stuff went all over my face. This all occurred when a dear friend of mine, who is a surgical resident, just happened to be walking by to see how I was doing in the ED. My lips started to go numb, and of course I yell at the top of my lungs, "I've had an exposure!!" Now, I guess I could have called it an exposure, since I was technically exposed to some lidocaine, but this phrase is generally used for when we get exposed to a patients' bodily fluids, not sterile lidocaine. Luckily the ED is a loud place, and only 3 patients, my friend, and 2 RNs heard me.

I only drooled once and the sensation came back to my face/lips by the time I had a chance to eat some lunch---around 2pm. =)

1 comment:

Ah Jota said...

That is hilarious. Keep up the good work. I hope nothing of the sort happens to me since I'm on Urology. Who knows what could fly around and hit you in the face on this rotation.