Saturday, April 25, 2009

hello again

Its been several months since my last entry. My final time spent in Nepal was amazing--I have grown to completely love the insanity of that country. And I cannot wait to go back.

I came back to US craziness--the Match day. Lets just say I am very happy (exstatic!) where I matched and I, still to this day, cannot believe it.

I then did a quick turn around and headed to Honduras where I was in a friends wedding---it was an amazing trip and wedding.

Now I am in limbo land---I have not yet graduated, but I am not on any rotations. I guess this is where 4th year is supposed to be amazing, but I have to say its not my favorite time this year. Firstly, I dont like to be bored, and when deadlines are like 3 weeks away, its hard to motivate to get things done. So I am in this sorta bored but have lots to do situation. Secondly, I am attempting to purchase my first home. This is harder than it sounds. And I think it sounds awful. It has been a super hectic week in this department. And still the search continues. The good news is the banks are crazy enough to think I am a good lender with student loans up to my neck already----suckers!!! I fooled them! :)

I wrote down several Nepal stories/ways of life while I was gone, ready to share with who ever happens to read this. Those are to come this week while I continue to wrap up my med school career.


Ah Jota said...

Awesome! We just bought a house too! We move in on Saturday. Maybe we will end up being neighbors.

pacman said...

Excellent.. Just keep in touch through blogs.. :)
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