Thursday, February 14, 2008

can you grab the knife in my back?

So I started this post back when I was on surgery and didn't want to finish it because I was worried about offending someone, or calling someone out, but after the last few weeks I've decided its important to say.

Med students do not always have the best intentions for other med students.

Take my dear friend, Joe, who was brutally f-ed over by a fellow med student, Kristi. She told him all he needed to do in the morning prior to rounding was to get vitals on every patient. So thats exactly what he did. Imagine his surprise when the attending lashed out on him when he didn't do a physical exam or find out why the patients needed surgery.

Or how about when my friend Alexis was working with John on medicine. They were on call together, and their team told them to go home for the night. John acted like he was going home in front of Alexis, but turned around (after she had left) and stayed the night, bonding with the residents to screw her over.

The worst is the med student who talks to residents about a fellow med student--in a not-so-positive-way.

And heres the other thing. As third years we are graded both subjectively and objectively--its to the benefit for some and to the detriment for others. As for my personal opinion---it can stink. You work your butt off to get a mediocre eval? Thats not good. But truthfully, I sometimes have a hard time with standardized tests, so to be praised for my hard work and have descent test scores is rewarding.

Plus! When did we stop being happy for one another? When did we stop saying "Congrats!" to a fellow med student when they found out they rocked a test? Or when did we stop saying good luck to other students prior to tests? My first year of med school I made over 400 good luck notes to each classmate---and I sincerely meant it. We're all a team here---we can do this by ourselves and be miserable, or we can work as one and succeed together ---even if it's just one of us succeeding at the moment. I miss that in my fellow students. Lets see more of that.

1 comment:

Ah Jota said...

Sometimes I would eat the glitter on your good luck notes for "Double Good Luck". I think I would have done just as well if I didn't try to ingest them. But your still awesome for making them! I agree with the shenanigans some of the kids do. I understand we need to show off our stuff, but can't we all just do it together? Give a brotha some love!!